FAQ - Parenting Disputes

with Two Goats Solutions

How it Works

  1. You and the other parent agree to use Two Goats Solutions, Inc. to resolve parenting disputes that you choose to submit for a decision.
  2. Each parent will need to register for an account at Parenting Disputes Sign Up.
  3. Each parent will choose a payment plan that works for them.
  4. Provide the appropriate court orders that are in your case.
  5. Submit your dispute and select whether you want a binding or non-binding decision.
  6. The other parent responds to your dispute.
  7. Both parents can submit any necessary follow-up information.
  8. An experienced, licensed attorney with at least 10 years of experience in family law cases reviews the information provided and provides an arbitrator’s decision.

General Questions

There are many, many benefits to using online arbitration to resolve parenting issues. First, the cost of resolving the issue here is far less than hiring an attorney to advocate for your position. Second, you don’t need to take off work to go to the courthouse. Third, it is much faster than the process of going through the court system. There are many other benefits for using online arbitration such as the bias that can occur at court, having rotating or inexperienced judges, and the damage to the relationship with the other parent from being in the court system, to name a few.

Unfortunately, if the other parent won’t agree, then this service can’t be used.  One parent can, however, pay the fee for both parents so long as both parents agree to use the service.

Yes.  The subscription process is meant for small issues between parents.  If you need an order awarding legal custody or determining a physical custody schedule, for example, those issues are not appropriate for the parenting issues arbitration.  We do offer online arbitration, however, for divorce, paternity, or modifications.  [need a link to click to homepage where has arbitration pricing].

Normally, a response is due within 48 hours.  If the issue is time sensitive, a response may be requested in a time-frame that will meet any necessary deadline.

Yes.  The arbitrator (person resolving the issue) is a licensed attorney, with at least 10 years of experience in family law cases.

A binding decision means that both parents are bound by the decision made by the arbitrator. A non-binding decision means that either parent is free to reject the decision or take the issue to the court

Yes.  In order for the process to work, each parent will be able to read and review all the information submitted by the other parent.  There are no private communications between one parent and the arbitrator.

If both parents don’t agree to submit the issue for binding arbitration, then the decision will be nonbinding and either parent can reject or follow the arbitrator’s decision.

The decision will include the issue, the decision, and a short explanation of the reason for the decision.

If you feel that there was information that the arbitrator did not consider in making the decision, or if you believe a mistake was made, then you can ask the arbitrator to review the decision.  A revised decision may be issued by the arbitrator.  If no revised decision is issued based upon the information you provide, then there is an additional fee of $25 charged to the parent who requested the review.  If a binding arbitration decision was made and you do not agree with the decision, you may have limited grounds to seek for the decision to be vacated or overturned in your court case.  You should check your state’s laws and may want to consult with an attorney.

You can apply to have the decision confirmed as a court order.  You should consult your state law and court rules for the procedure you need to follow, or consult with an attorney to draft the necessary paperwork.

Yes, but you should discuss it with your attorney.

Log into our website at www.twogoatssolutions.com[Process].  Your ability to submit issues will still be available throughout the remaining time for which you have already paid.

Every state has laws about arbitration.  [insert link to page for all 50 states links to their arbitration statutes]  If you have any questions about the enforceability of arbitration decisions, you may want to contact an attorney.